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Job Parameters

The job parameters are values which pertain to the whole job and not to any particular data item.
Each line will contain one data object (e.g. one point).
The data parameters for the object are separated by commas and are in the format:

Username="Mike",CompanyName="Mimaka Pty Limited",ScaleFactor=500.000000
NextGeomPoint=75,NextTopoPoint=62,DefInsertLayer="Geom Points"
The name of the Company doing the job, as entered in the Job Properties.
Default = None

The path and name of the design files used to record Geom point creation values.
Default = None

This is the default Insert layer onto which new data items will be placed.
Default = "Geom Points"

This is a Y/N value to indicate that the design file should be automatically opened when the job is opened.
Default = N

The name of the job datum, as entered in the Job Properties.
Default = None

The name of the job zone, as entered in the Job Properties.
Default = None

GeoSurvey: This value must be Metric - M
GeoCadastre: this value can be M-Metres, F-imperial Feet, L-Links, U-US Feet.
Default = M

The point number to be used when creating the next Geom point (these usually have no height).
This allows you to keep Topo or field data in separate number ranges in the job for easy management of data.
Default = highest point number + 1

The point number to be used when creating the next Topo point (these usually have a height). This allows you to keep Topo or field data in separate number ranges in the job for easy management of data.
Default = highest point number + 1

The Job Plot Scale for the job, as entered in the Job Properties.
Default = 1:500

Certain dialogs that qllow entry of distances can accept Grid distances or Ground Distances.
If present, this parameter indicates the current data entry setting is for Ground Distances.
Default: Grid Distances

The name of the person doing the job, as entered in the Job Properties.
Default = none

When a group of parcels is extracted from a database for changes, this is the Packet number
Default = None

Job_Centroid_x, Y
The co-odinates of the centroid of the job in ground units (metres)
Default = non - this value is recomputed as the job chnages

This value consists of a set of 0/1 values which control what is displayed on the screen
Value 1 = Display Historical Parcels
Value 2 = Display Compiled Parcels
Value 3 = Display Point Symbols
Value 4 = Display Line Point Symbols
Value 5 = Display Control Points
Value 6 = Display Radial Lines
Value 7 = Display Easements
Value 8 = Display Strata/UTS floor level
default = 1 for all values

A list of parcel types not to be displayed
Default = none

This Y to display Text on the screen
Default = N

This is the name of the config file used for this job
Default = none

This is an optional text disclaimer to be displayed when the job is opened
Default = none

Adjustment Parameters

Tolerances for bearings are specified in seconds of arc.
If the difference between the line computed from the initial coordinates and the measured line is greater than this value,
then a warning will be displayed as the adjustment is built
Default 6000 secs

The Close points check will flag any points closer than the specified distance which do not have a
dimension between them. This is a good way to find common points that have been missed in the joining process.
Default = 0.2m

Tolerances for distances are specified in metres. If the difference between the line computed from the initial coordinates and the measured
line is greater than this value, then a warning will be displayed as the adjustment is built.
The adjustment will be stopped if any difference is greater than three times the tolerance.
This is a safeguard against including blunders.
Default = 0.1m

If a line point is found within the tolerance specified, it will be forced back on to the line.
If it is outside the tolerance, a warning message will be given in the adjustment report.
Default = 0.1m

Line points are checked for their distance from the line that they are supposed to lie on and a check is
also made to see if the line point is close to either end of its line.
Default = 0.1m

If a line point is found within the tolerance specified, it will be forced back on to the line.
If it is outside the tolerance, a warning message will be given in the adjustment report.
Default = 0.1m

If Y all easement dimensions will be included in the
main adjustment process and given the same weighting as the parcel boundary lines.
Default = N

If Y all Historical parcels will be included in the adjustment
Default = N

If Y, Ground Floor Strata/UTS parcels will be included in the adjustment
Default = N

Triangle Parameters

When triangles are formed any triangles with a side longer that this value will be deleted. Default: No maximum length.

Points closer than this distance to a discon line will be flagged as errors during triangle formnation
Default is 0.010 metres.

This Y to ignore points near discontinuity/breaklines during triangleformation
Default = N

If Y non contourable points on Discontinuities/breaklines are ignored for triangle formation
Default - N, don't ignore them

Normally, a discon outside the boundary will cause an error.
Tick this box to ignore the discon line segments affected. This also applies to no-contour areas

Annotated Plan Parmeters

Plan Type
Annotated Plan type. C-Calc plan, E-Engineering Plan, ...
Default - C Calc Plan.

Annotated Plan - Viewport Name for the annotated plan
Default = none.

Annotated Plan - This Y to generate text for lines on non visible layers
Default = Y

Annotated Plan - This Y to generate text for lines paryially o the page
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This Y to erase previously generated annotated text
Default = Y

Annotated Plan - This Y to generate annotation for short lines
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This is Y to print the Lot Numbers onto the annotated plan
Default = Y

Annotated Plan - The layer name for the Lot Numbers text annotation
Default -= None

Annotated Plan - The font for the Lot Numbers text annotation
Default = BYLAYER

Annotated Plan - The text size for the Lot Numbers text annotation
Default = BYLAYER

Annotated Plan - The text colour for the Lot Numbers text annotation
Default = BYLAYER

Annotated Plan - The text is bold for the Lot Numbers text annotation
Default = BYLAYER

Annotated Plan - The text is Italic for the Lot Numbers text annotation
Default = BYLAYER

Annotated Plan - The text is underlined for the Lot Numbers text annotation
Default = BYLAYER

Annotated Plan - This N to not append the plan number to the lot number when printed to the annotated plan
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This is Y to print the Areas onto the annotated plan
Default = Y
This can be followed by the following parameters:
AreasLayer, AreasFont, AreasSize,AreasColour,AreasBold, AreasItalic, AreasUnderline

Annotated Plan - Units to be used when areas are printed.
Values can be - 'Auto', 'Metres', 'Hectares', 'SqKm"
Default = Auto

Annotated Plan - Number of decimal places used when areas are printed.
Values can be - 'Auto', 0-6
Default = Auto

Annotated Plan - This is Y to print the Bearings onto the annotated plan
Default = Y
This can be followed by the following parameters:
BearingsLayer, BearingsFont, BearingsSize,BearingsColour,BearingsBold, BearingsItalic, BearingsUnderline

Annotated Plan - This is a value 1-4
1 - No Truncation of values
2 - Truncate trailing "00" values
3 - Round to 1 minute
4 - Truncate "00 00" values
Default = 4

Annotated Plan - Y = Print True Mid Bearings on annotated plan.
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This is Y to print the Distances onto the annotated plan
Default = Y
This can be followed by the following parameters:
DistancesLayer, DistancesFont, DistancesSize,DistancesColour,DistancesBold, DistancesItalic, DistancesUnderline

This is a number 0-6 as the number of decimal places for the distance value on the plan
Default = 3

This Y to print the chord distance for an arc
Default = Y

This is Y to print the Arc Distances on an arc
Default = N

This is Y to print the Radius for an arc
Default = Y

This is Y to print Ground Distances for the distance values insteadof Grid Distances
Default = N

This is Y to print Road Chainage Text for Road String Centrelines
Default = Y

This Y to attach the road chainage text to the point on the road
Usually road chainage text is just given a ground co-ordinate near the point
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This is Y to print the Angles onto the annotated plan
Default = Y
This can be followed by the following parameters:
AnglesLayer, AnglesFont, AnglesSize,AnglesColour,AnglesBold, AnglesItalic, AnglesUnderline

Annotated Plan - This is a value 1-4
1 - No Truncation of values
2 - Truncate trailing "00" values
3 - Round to 1 minute
4 - Truncate "00 00" values
Default = 4

Annotated Plan - This is Y to print the ShortLineTable onto the annotated plan
Default = Y
This can be followed by the following parameters:
ShortLineTableLayer, ShortLineTableFont, ShortLineTableSize,ShortLineTableColour,ShortLineTableBold, ShortLineTableItalic, ShortLineTableUnderline

Annotated Plan - This is the start number to be used for short line table refences
Default = 1

Annotated Plan - This Y to display the point numbers on the annotated plan
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This Y to display the point heights on the annotated plan
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This Y to display the point code on the annotated plan
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This Y to display the point Remark on the annotated plan
Default = N

Annotated Plan - This Y to display the point Name on the annotated plan
Default = N

Misc Parameters

For Shift Vectors, this is the Reference layer name
Default = none

For Shift Vectors, this is the Adjusted/Shift layer name
Default = none

This is Y to display shift vectors on the screen
Default = N

Title1, 2, 3, 4
This is a text string as a title for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is the client name for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is a text string as a job reference number for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is a text string as a sheet number for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is the total number of sheets in the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is a text string as a revision number for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is a text string as the Surveyor Name for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is a text string as a 'Checked by" value for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is a text string as a Date of Survey for the job or plan
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is a text string as a Vertical Datum for the job or plan
This is for admin purposes, it it not used for any calculations
It can be printed to a plan using a plan form
Default = none

This is the name of the Cross Sections Template file to be used for this job
Default = none

Thisis Y to display the cross sections on screen
Default = N

This is the name of the viewport to be printed
Default = none

This is Y to draw Grid Lines on the printed page
Default = none

0 - draw grid lines
1 - draw graticule/crosses
2 - Draw Border only
Default = none

This is the grid graticule size in mm
Default = 5 mm

This is the grid lines colour
Default = Black

This is the grid text colour
Default = Black

This is Y to print a grid border
Default = Y

This is the grid border colour
Default = Black

This is the grid text size in mm
Default = 2.5mm

This is Y to print the grid text inside the border
Default = N

This is Y to not print text on the left side of the grid
Default = N

GeoSurvey only parameters will be highlighted in Red
GeoCadastre only parameters will be highlighted in Green
Parameters that apply for all Applications are in Black